Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Album Review : "Play On"

I was fortunate enough to find an advance copy of the new Carrie Underwood album titled "Play On". This disc marks the American Idol winner's 3rd studio album, and possibly her most versatile.

The album starts with the launch single 'Cowboy Casanova' , a song that grew on me, and one that I definitely enjoy more while she sings it live, did anyone see her on David Letterman last night? OK I'm gay but DAMN I LOVE her legs ! ! , I wish mine looked that good! anywhoodles I'm off track now, after the opening track, one we're all familiar with by now I'm sure, she moves onto a fun mixed-tempo track titled 'Quitter', the song is about her always quitting on her men, which she admits have pretty much always been losers, up until this man shes fallen in love with now. 'when I believe, that nothing lasts forever, you stay with me keeping us together, and make me feel like I never ever wanna give you up, till now I've always been a quitter' she sings on the sudden slow tempo change portion of the song, which happens to be my favorite part.

she then moves onto the beautiful 'Mamas Song' , a track I have discussed at length on here in the past. so moving onto track 4, we have 'Change' a song while very good, sounds a little too poppy for me, it almost seems like a song that could have come from her American Idol days...maybe as the victory single at the end of the season or something, anyways the song features Underwood's often featured strong vocals, with some soaring notes, its definitely not a song to skip, at first....in a month or so however, I will probably be over it.

track 5 is a fun number titled 'Undo It' that is way catchy, and in the vein of some of her more up-tempo hits, but isn't quite as good. track 6 is probably my favorite track on the album and its titled 'Someday When I Stop Loving You' its a very classic sounding country slow ballad, but its the vocals that really bring this song to a totally different level.

first of all , the production is brilliant, its a perfect mix of voice and instrumentation, and the instruments only add to the emotion and sound of the song in such a beautiful way, that the song becomes instantly lovable on a personal level.

everyone of us has gone through a tough relationship or 4 in our lives, its part of the growing process and its really what makes our future relationships healthier, and more beneficial to both partner, and this song really paints the emotions for us. featuring some truly special harmonies from Carrie and her back-up singers, 'When I Stop Loving You' should be and probably will be a single for Underwood.

track 7 brings back the up-tempo selections , with a track called 'Songs Like This' and I LOVE this song!! its way catchy, and I LOVE to sing along to this one!! I think this will be a single, and should be. its irresistible !! the from the opening Banjo to the killer chorus, this is not a song to be missed.

track 8 is 'Temporary Home' and I have also spoken on this song before in the past, so moving onto tracks 9-13.

Nine is titled 'This Time' and though it probably wont make it as a single, its not a bad filler song , and its one I quite enjoy. it features a fun rhythm , with some pretty nice vocals yet again from Carrie Underwood. 'life is short , love is sweet, ain't no time like this time baby' she sings at the end of the chorus, and the lyrics really speak to the feel of the song. its fun, bright and up-tempo , and its one I'm going to be coming back to time and time again !

track 10 is SO close in terms of quality as number 6 that its almost a disappointment, but when you listen through the song as a whole, you really cant help but love it! its titled 'Look at Me' , and its a beautiful love ballad, its almost the answer to track number 6 'Someday When I Stop Loving You', where that song was about losing a lover and finding it difficult to be over the relationship, 'Look at Me' is lighter in subject matter, portraying a relationship full of love and affection.

track 11, 'Unapologize' starts off promising , then when it hits the chorus sort of takes a nose dive for me. come to think of it , the versus are not very appealing either, the song features TOO much of Carrie's big voice, it feels like it reaches the climax at the first chorus!, to those who love big long loud belting songs, this one is probably for you. for the rest of us who don't wish to get a headache while listening to head phones, i suggest you skip this one. I know I do.

12 is a beautiful touching duet ballad that Carrie Underwood sings with the singer from the group 'Sons of Sylvia' and I actually like it a lot. I'm not too surprised to find her adding a duet to this album, it is her first duet to be featured on a Studio Album from Carrie and its a refreshing addition to her repertoire, and it has some killer vocals at the end that any one would love to sing along to !

the closing track , number 13, titled 'Play On' is obviously the title track for the album. It's an interesting choice to title the album after, the message to the song is up-beat and a happy one, but the song just isn't too strong in my opinion. the song is about persevering through tough times, and it really is an appropriate message for today's tough times, that's my guess as to why they titled this album after this song. its catchy, and has a fun to sing a long with chorus, but it doesn't stick with me the way some of the other tracks do.

well that's my album review for the new Carrie Underwood album 'Play On' , if you made it this far and actually read the whole post, then you'll be happy to know the record hit store shelves today ! so run out and grab a copy! I don't think you'll be disappointed !! I sure wasn't !!


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