Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's a Sad Day

Voters in Maine last night voted to reject Same Sex Marriage. This entry alone is hard for me to write.

Im struggling to find the words to describe how i am feeling right now at this moment.... sort of rejected , I feel unwanted , I feel like I don't even exist. At least not to my fellow citizens of this great Country, yes i still feel like this Country is great for many reasons and I will ALWAYS love America, today however i am ashamed to admit i am American.

Do the people who vote down a bill like this ever take for just one second a step back and think about what if they were voting against themselves ? no they dont, what they do however do is vote FOR themselves, and AGAINST a fellow American... and for what reason?


they will try and justify it in more ways than I care to count, religion, being the main focus. Religion last night drove people to vote against their sons and daughters, nephews, nieces, sisters , brothers , mom's and dad's even grand parents.

every single person who voted on that bill last night has come across a homosexual in their life, and a majority of them clearly couldn't care less to even realize it. because they have no heart. they have no compassion. they have no courage.

im sitting here wanting to continue, but honestly I feel like i've given too much of my energy already today to being upset and heartbroken over this.

THIS IS MY LIFE PEOPLE. is my LOVE any different than yours? no it IS NOT. if anything, we have more in common than they will ever know, we all get hurt, we all feel joy, we cheat, we remain faithful, we have children and raise them to be loving individuals, we PAY our taxes, dammit we should have EQUAL RIGHTS.

and dont give me this civil union bull shit, people who believe that is equal are BRAIN DEAD it is not equal it is FAR from it. so do not come to me with that argument because you will lose.

as a matter of fact, if you read this and you disagree with me, peace out, I have NO interest in knowing you. I am not kidding, I am willing to lose a close friend or 2 over this, I sure hope I don't have to , and i don't think i will need to..but the fact that I am willing to proves that this is far too important of an issue to just ignore.


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