lets get things started with Rihanna !!!

first of all can we please talk about that hot ass album cover? it clearly paints the picture of what this album is all about, its a dark, moody album, that has a message to tell people, Rihanna dont give a fuck what you think of her, her music, or what happened to her, shes here to tell her story, and say screw you to anyone who stands in her way.
the songs hit hard...her new single is even titled 'Hard' and I guarantee that didnt happen by just chance. Her album opens with a dark, haunted intro joint titled 'Mad House' ...essentially welcoming us to the mad house that now is Rihanna's mind.
She's a woman scorned and we all should realize this new Rihanna is most likely here to stay, and can I please just say , I hope she is? this new Rihanna is hot as hell, shes ghetto fabulous, shes got killer hooks, songs that you wanna give someone a lap dance to, songs you can belt out (which has never really been her style), hell even songs that make you wanna carry around a gold plated gun 'G4L' which stands for Gangsta For Lyfe, is a sexy, bumpin joint and is my new theme song.
Rihanna has always been knowing for her smooth island feel vocals...and on songs like 'Te Amo' , 'Stupid in Love' , 'Photographs' and 'Fire Bomb' all feature that same style of vocals.
songs like ' The Wait is Ova ' , 'Hard', and 'Rockstar' all feature sharp, punctuated vocals mixed in with smooth flowing hooks.
I could probably spend a whole entry focusing on just the lyrics of this album....which are some of the most chilling I have heard in a long time. Even though Rihanna doesn't typically write her own material, you just feel it. You feel her hurt, pain, anguish, longing to be understood, her desire to move on, and the difficulties that come with what happened to her.
Standout tracks to me are ' The Wait is Ova' 'Hard' 'Rockstar' 'Fire Bomb' and 'Cold Case Love' which is possibly my favorite track...tied with 'Fire Bomb'
Rihanna's album "Rated R" was released today and is now on sale for digital download at Amazon.com for 3.99$ ! ! I suggest purchasing it, its a complete step in the right direction for Rihanna in my eyes.
By now i am sure you've all seen the outrageous cover for Adam Lambert's debut. . if not well feast your eyes.

talk about campy! according to Adam the cover is intentionally campy, outrageous and flamboyant.
his album is pretty much the same ! haha.
It took me a while to really get into his CD, the main reason being it wasn't quite the sound I wanted from him....his best performances in my eyes on Idol were his hard rock inspirations 'Whole Lotta Love' , 'Cryin' , 'I Cant Get No Satisfaction' and 'Born To Be Wild' .. though that one featured a little bit more of a techno spin, which is what I should have expected from his debut.
'For Your Entertainment' is what the album is titled, as well as being the title for the lead single. the album opens with a killer song 'Music Again' written by the former front-man for The Darkness, yes it sounds like 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love' but that's what I love!! that song is killer, and so is 'Music Again'.
moving onto the single 'for your entertainment' a song that has for sure grown on me over the past couple of months. . . initially I was really disappointed by it. But now I can appreciate it for what it is, pure pop.
The album then gives us a song written by Pink titled 'Whatya want from me' which is slated to be his second single. Its a good song, but sounds more appropriate as a Pink song in my opinion.
'Strut' co-written by Kara DioGuardi and Adam Lambert...is not too great, and is not very memorable. 'Soaked' however, a song penned by MUSE, is a standout. Opening with a massive chorus of instrumentation, and a lush production, you know this song will be a winner and will be a great addition to any concert tour Adam Lambert goes on!.
There are however, some needless songs, written by Linda Perry 'A Loaded Smile' drags ... and takes forever to get to the best part of the song, the vocal synthesizer that was made famous in the 70s and 80s is back ladies and gentlemen !
'Fever' a track that sounds like a lady gaga reject...is just that! a tune written by GaGa herself, adds a little bit of the camp we come to expect from the album cover, its a fun song, that starts off rather well, but doesn't really go anywhere for me.
'Aftermath' co-written by Ferras, another one of my favorite male artists , adds that 'inspirational' ballad to the CD. with a soaring hook, and some nice lyrics, the song is a highlight on the album.
closing with the incredibly boring 'Broken Open' was a mistake, and the song should have been left on the cutting room floor. 'Master Plan' an i Tunes bonus is actually much better, and delivers a powerful message to listeners, and should have been included on the hard copy of the album in my opinion.
over all its a pretty solid effort from the Idol Runner Up.
Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment" was also released today! go get your copy, if for no other reason than to have that outrageous album cover in your collection.
PS. check out Adam Lambert's ridiculous performance of 'For Your Entertainment' the lead single, at last nights American Music Awards below:
hope y'all enjoyed the blog !! i enjoyed writing it!!
have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!! and remember, eat till you explode, that's what the Holiday is for! haha jk jk